I strongly believe in the values of the ABS and its mission to supporting the wider profession across the UK. I am an architect, originally from France, having worked and studied in seven countries, I am particularly sensitive to diversity, inclusion and see the benefits of both in our industry that is a bit slow to recognise the talents of this pool despite having a large part of foreigners in its workforce.
I am part of the EDI group at ADP Architecture where I contribute to addressing inclusion (mentoring programme, celebrating diverse experience). I am also a guest researcher at TUDelft where I participate in investigating sustainability (and therefore inclusivity as a part of it) in the Urban realm. I have hugely benefited from great mentors throughout my career and wish to give back to the industry.
As a proactive architect-researcher, I network, liaise, mentor, speak and am very interested in sharing knowledge, information and experiences with people from all walks of life.