Studies report that sleep, specifically REM sleep, improves learning and recollection as well as having a beneficial impact on emotional wellbeing. As Harvard Health write “although scientists are still trying to tease apart all the mechanisms, they’ve discovered that sleep disruption — which affects levels of neurotransmitters and stress hormones, among other things — wreaks havoc in the brain, impairing thinking and emotional regulation.” (Harvard Medical School)
Experiencing feelings of anxiety is a common cause of having trouble sleeping. Sleep is an active period in which significant processing, restoration, and strengthening occurs throughout the body. By limiting or denying sleep to the body a person is denying part of the processes needed to maintain good personal wellbeing.
Anxiety UK, mental health partner of The Architects Benevolent Society, write that a lack of sleep can contribute towards feeling worn-out, run down, irritable and that ultimately sleep deprivation can be very anxiety provoking. At ABS we believe it is important within the architecture professions that we are all consciously taking steps to help maintain a regular restful night of sleep and that we talk openly about the importance of good sleeping patterns for the benefit of the profession.
For more information and Anxiety UK tips for achieving a good night’s sleep please visit: