Claiming the welfare benefits you are entitled to can help both you and ABS. If you are receiving your maximum welfare benefit entitlement, then the call on ABS’s resources may not be as great.
We understand that the process of claiming benefits, perhaps for the very first time, or having to deal with a current problematic claim, can be daunting and overwhelming but you should be able to claim the benefits you are entitled to, and we can help you to do this.
ABS has commissioned a pool of specialist Welfare Benefits Advisors, based across the UK, who can help check whether you are entitled to claim a range of benefits and, if necessary, help you make claim. As well as helping with new claims the advisors can provide hands on support if you are experiencing problems with a current benefit claim or are being reassessed for a claim. ABS is pleased to be able to fund this service on your behalf.
Our Welfare Benefits advisors are experienced with the regulations, legislations, and how the benefits agency works which gives you the best chance of a successful claim, while reducing the anxiety and worry of dealing with an unfamiliar, and at times, confusing system.
One you have been referred they will work directly with you to assess your individual situation helping you to:
It is useful to know that being awarded a benefit may or may not affect your grant from ABS. Income relating to health and disabilities, which are not means tested, is currently disregarded by ABS when we calculate the level of your grant support.
There are many reasons you could be entitled to benefits e.g. you are sick or have a disability, you are caring for someone, you have been bereaved, you are pregnant or have recently had a baby. You could also be entitled to benefits whilst you are employed.
If you think you would find it helpful to have support from a Welfare Benefit Advisor please contact your Welfare Officer, or the Welfare Team, who can arrange a referral.
ABS Helpline 020 3918 8588 or email