Kavita is an Architect at Corstorphine and Wright Architects and her passion for architecture derives from her love of craft, detailing and creating. She has an avid interest in social responsibility, sustainability and working with young adults and children and architecture. She leads the CSR team at C&W and is an active RIBA Architect’s Ambassador delivering architectural workshop’s for children in schools as well as being involved in architectural and design related family days.
Kavita also currently sits on the Board of the Birmingham Architectural Association and is the social media manager. Having been involved with the BAA since the revival, Kavita is excited to launch a ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ ground and will lead whilst continuing her involvement with Women in Architecture and BCO. Formerly, Kavita has sat on Student Councils for her universities and acted as a Student and Course representative for Architecture as well as co-founding the Northumbria Architecture Society.