Katie Fisher

In an industry that experiences more issues with mental health than the norm, ABS’s work is vital – which is why I had to get involved! I personally suffer from anxiety, and I know how lonely, tiring and difficult that can be, so it’s really important to me to spread awareness of the charity, in particular their amazing links with Anxiety UK.

I am currently working as an Architect at Stanton Williams, where I am part of their Equality Diversity and Inclusion Group as well as a Young Trustee at the Architecture Foundation where we support emerging and less-heard voices in the industry. As an ABS ambassador am really keen to use my platform to continue this work and to support the charity in raising awareness.

I was always brought up with the saying “it’s not what happens it’s how you deal with it”. This doesn’t mean you have to deal with it alone, it’s okay to ask for help, and the ABS is always there to support you. In an industry that often celebrates individualism it’s important to remember – you are not alone. We all work in teams; everyone has their own team – be it your family, friends, or at work. We solve problems together and with the ABS on your team we can overcome any difficulties you are facing.

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