At the beginning of 2019 we launched our call to action #AnxietyArch campaign, which focused on the mental wellbeing of architectural professionals and students. Each month we delivered a new theme highlighting a cause to an individual’s mental health and wellbeing. These themes ranged from wellbeing in the workplace, to education, finance to women in the architectural professions among others. We received some great content from our supporters, sharing their personal stories, articles identifying pressure points and sharing tips, advice and coping strategies which are available to read here.
Our goals for the campaign were as follows:
Throughout the campaign we encouraged our supporters to raise awareness and create their own fundraising events. Many of our supporters and ambassadors contributed to our fundraising total with events like the ArchiVelo cycle ride from Glasgow to London, or Chris Williamson of WestonWilliamson+Partners, who supported us when he ran the London Marathon. We also linked our annual events to this campaign, including The Chicken Run, Bake the World a Better Place and Time2Sketch. In total, the campaign exceeded our target and raised a staggering £43,000! This money will go a long way in continuing to support those in the professions and students who turn to the Society of mental health support.
The Society would like to thank everyone who took part in the campaign, fundraised, raised awareness and were brave enough to speak openly about their personal struggles with anxiety and depression. Please help us keep this campaign alive by sharing your experiences using the hashtag #AnxietyArch.
If you, or anyone you know, needs our support, please get in touch: